ISFILE Function Description: Returns a TRUE if a file exists, FALSE if a file does not exist Syntax: ISFILE (filename) Example: If IsFile(CheckFile) = True Then Label1.Caption = CheckFile & " exists." Else Label1.Caption = CheckFile & " does not exist." End If Remarks: For more infomation on how this call was developed and to extend its functionality to determine specific error conditions, refer to 'Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Windows API' by Dan Appleman from Ziff-Davis Press, Chapter 13, pages 578-581 and 609-610 No warranties or guarantees are made for this function and you are solely responsible for its use or misuse. The function is considered Public Domain. You may use or modify it as needed. I would like to hear from anyone who gets any use out of this function, or anyone who encounters any problems or bugs with it, or anyone who has changes or enhancements they would like to see to it, or who makes any changes or enhancements to it themselves. I am also available for programming projects and consulting in Visual Basic. Contact me as listed below for information regarding my availibility and prices. You may contact me at: J. Frank Carr 1532 Amber Trail Duluth, GA 30136 USA Voice Mail: (404) 880-5762 CIS: 75120, 2420 America OnLine: JFCarr